VFS In Saudi

VFS In Saudi

How can I book appointment in VFS in Saudi?

To schedule an emergency biometric appointment(VFS In Saudi), please do so by calling the VAC Contact Centre or by visiting the VAC in person.

You’ll have to follow the instructions mentioned on the page to create your own login credentials and schedule an appointment.


How long does VFS in saudi take to process ?

Processing usually takes 15 business days from receipt by the Embassy of a complete application and may take longer during peak times and in exceptional circumstances.


Where is VFS located in Saudi Arabia?

Address. Makkah Road Al Hada, 8380 Riyadh 8380 Saudi Arabia.


Can I go to VFS without appointment for Saudi visa?

VFS Global will process your visa application without a pre-booked appointment.


How can I book visa appointment fast?

Applying for an Expedited Appointment

Pay the visa application fee. Complete the Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application (DS-160) form. If the Embassy approves your request then you will receive an email alerting you to schedule your expedited appointment online.


How do I get a visa appointment?

You must directly contact the embassy/consulate to request specific instructions. At the interview the added applicant(s) will be required to pay the same fees, and submit the same forms and supporting documents as the original applicant(s).


How do I get a VFS in saudi appointment?

Once you have completed and paid for your visa application on GOV.UK, you will be directed back to the VFS Global website to book an appointment at a Visa Application Centre,

so your biometric data (fingerprints and photograph) can be captured.


VFS In Saudi
VFS In Saudi



Security regulations

Please note that access to the Visa Application Centre is restricted to visa applicants only. The only exceptions to this policy are:

  • Children less than 18 years of age need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This cannot be a member of the Visa Application Centre staff.
  • Elderly, medically infirm or disabled applicants who require assistance in order to submit their applications. Applicants who fall into these categories should advise the security staff on arrival at the Visa Application Centre.
  • Mobile phones are permitted in the Visa Application Centre, but they must be switched to silent or vibrate mode. They should be switched on before entering the Visa Application Centre.
  • Devices that cannot be switched on cannot be taken into the Visa Application Centre.Under no circumstances is photography, filming or audio recording permitted. Mobile phones have to be put away when you are dealing with our staff.Only one airline cabin size bag 45 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm (18” x 12” x 8”) per applicant is permitted in the Visa Application Centre . Larger bags cannot be taken into the Visa Application Centre and must be stored elsewhere.
  • For security reasons the following items will not be permitted inside the Visa Application Centre.
    • All battery operated or electronic items such cameras, tablets, audio/video cassettes, compact discs, MP3s, floppies, laptops, or portable music players ,hard disk drive (HDDs),
    • pen/thumb drives, spy devices, audio recorders, or other devices which can hinder the centre’s functioning
    • Sealed envelopes or packages.
    • Any inflammable item such as matchboxes/ lighters/ electric cigarettes /fuel.
    • Any sharp objects such as scissors, pen knives or nail filers.
    • Weapons, weapon – like objects or explosive material of any kind.
    • The visa application centre is unable to store prohibited items. Applicants should make other arrangements to store these belongings before they enter the Visa Application Centre.
  • VFS In Saudi
    VFS In Saudi

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