Tornadoes and Severe Storms

Tornadoes and Severe Storms


Tornadoes and Severe Storms are outgrowths of powerful thunderstorms that appear as rotating, funnel-shaped clouds. They extend from a thunderstorm to the ground with violent winds that average 30 miles per hour. Also, Frist they can vary in speed dramatically from being stationary to 70 miles per hour. With a loud roar that sounds similar to a freight train, tornadoes in the United States typically are 500 feet across and travel on the ground for five miles. Every state is at some risk from tornadoes and the severe storms that produce them. These same destructive storms also cause strong gusts of wind, lightning strikes, and flash food.

Tornadoes and Severe Storms
Tornadoes and Severe Storm



Where Can I Get Help In Tornadoes and Severe Storms?

If you or someone you know shows any of these symptoms for two weeks or more, whether you know they are in relation to a tornado or severe storm or if it is unclear how they started .

You are not alone! . The Disaster Distress Helpline is a national hotline that provides 24/7, year-round crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster.

Tornadoes and Severe Storms
Tornadoes and Severe Storms



Who is at Risk for Emotional Distress?

People at risk for emotional distress due to the effects of tornadoes and severe storms include:

  • Tornado survivors. People living in impacted areas, particularly children and teens, previously exposed to traumatic, life-threatening situations during a tornado or severe storm are vulnerable to distress.
  • Friends and loved ones. It’s normal for friends and family members located outside the impacted area to feel anxious about people who are in direct proximity to a tornado or severe storm.
  • First responders and recovery workers. These individuals may experience prolonged separation from loved ones (depending on the severity of the tornado or storm) and show signs of mental fatigue.

Once warnings for tornadoes or severe storms are issued, the risk for distress becomes greater It’s normal to feel unprepared.

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